Senior Questionnaire | Pre-Session | A Focused Life Photography
Senior Photography Questionnaire
Thank you so much for allowing us to be your photographers.
Please take a few minutes to fill our the form and give us an idea of who you are so we can better capture your photographs.
What is your name?
When is your birthday?
What school do you go to?
Who are some of your favorite musicians? Or do you have a favorite Spotify playlist you’re listening to?
What are your social media handles?
What extra curricular activities are you involved in?
What are your hobbies and interests?
What do you and your friends do for fun?
What are your post high school plans?
Tell me about your style! Where are your favorite places to shop?
Are there any shots, or sessions, that you’ve seen of ours that really stand out to you?
Do you have a specific location or type of location (urban, nature, etc) you would like for your session?
Do you have any ideas for specific images? (Be detailed as possible)
Is there anything special you would like to do during your session?
Is there anything else we should know?
Is there someone we can thank for referring you?
Thank you!